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Showing posts from August, 2018


THE GEOLOGICAL TIME SCALE [FULL DETAILS] Credit: THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA How much do you know about the earth? The Geological Time Scale is a record of the developmental changes which has taken place over a period of billions of years in the Earth. It depicts the periods of remarkable developments in life (i.e evolution of life), evolution of oceans, basins and continents. Have you heard of Vasquez Rock? It is usually represented in the form: eras (eons), periods, epochs and ages. The Geological Timescale depicts major occurrences which is mostly global and regional. These occurrences are evident some of which include: a.       Orogenic   activities ( mountain building activities); b.      Mass extinctions (as in dinosaurs) and appearance of new species; c.       Continental drifting evidences; Certain species dominant in some places widespread glaciations around the poles f.        Sea floor spreading g.      Evolvi