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Showing posts from July, 2018


HOW THE EARTH FORMED If you are reading this post now which I know you are, then you are among the inquisitive peeps out there. The Earth was formed oneday just as you were. This has been an issue all the while even outside the science domain. This led the scientists to delve into it. I advice you fasten your seat belt as I take you through this in a few moment. There is this theory called core accretion - Have you heard of this before ? Well, core accretion is the increase in the size of the earth by the coming together of dusts and meteoric substances from the space. This is Big-Bang theory. Way back before the Earth was formed, the entire system (i.e. solar system) was a cloud of thick dust. These dusts later began to spin and come together. This coming together is called accretion. The heavy (rocky) materials formed the Earth while the lighter materials like hydrogen and helium formed the gaseous planets like Jupiter and the rest of other gaseous plan