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Showing posts from 2016

GROUNDWATER POLLUTION (vis-à-vis Groundwater Quality) AND CAUSES

Groundwater in it’s natural state is made up of dissolved substances including gases. These contribute greatly to it’s quality. The surrounding environment (Formations), anthropological and bacterial activities influence it’s quality as well. Below is a rundown of factors that determine the quality of any groundwater: They can be categorised into: 1.    Physical factors; 2.    Bacterial factors; 3.    Chemical factors; 4.    Anthropological factors. Physical factors can be easily seen with the eyes without first being analysed in the laboratory. They are apparent to the physical senses of sight, smell, taste and in some cases, touch. It can be known physically if a groundwater is polluted or not by Colour changes, Odour, presence of suspended materials. The presence of suspended materials make the water appear cloudy. Commonsensically, no sane person will like to consume anything, let alone, water that is not appealing to the eyes. HO


HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT OIL SHALES BEFORE?? Water is one of the most (if not the most) essential requirements for life existence on earth. It is a well known fact that the human body is made up of about 75% water. Apart from water for drinking, it is relied on for industrial and domestic chores. It is available in the surface and sub-surface. But the surface water is usually not enough and in most cases not available all year round due to seasonal variations namely: Rainy and Dry Seasons . During the Rainy Season, the Surface water becomes readily available (though may or may not be enough depending on the need) but the contrast is the case during Dry Season. Hence the resort to Boreholes . Let’s start by defining a Borehole. In the simplest term, as the name implies: Bore Hole.  It means to ‘ bore a hole’ ; or simply put: ‘to drill a hole’, ‘to sink a hole’, ‘to punch a hole’ on the ground to create a cavity inside the ground where water can accumulate, be stored


HOW SAFE IS THE WATER YOU DRINK? It is a natural occurring compound that is ubiquitous in nature. Nothing is as refreshing as taking a bottle of chilled water after a hectic day. You may be to conversant with water thereby neglecting it’s components. As big as it may appear, it can be isolated into molecules. Each molecule is simply made of two elements: Hydrogen and Oxygen in the ratio of 1 : 2 respectively. By weight, it consists of 11.1888 % Hydrogen and 88.812% Oxygen, if and only if it is pure . WHY THE CRUSADE FOR PURE WATER? Human life has been under threat since the existence of man on earth. Majority of the threat comes from what we consume. Majority of what we consume is water or water-related either in carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks, or any drink at all. To this effect, a lot of organisations like WHO , UNICEF , Governmental and Non Governmental Agencies have come up with some standards to ensure that the water we take in is fit for the body. You m