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Lead in Drinking / Groundwater

Possible sources of lead in groundwater
Places well known for lead-zinc (Pb-zn) deposits are in danger of having their groundwater contaminated with Lead.
Lead is a known silent killer especially in infants and children as it has high affinity for Hemoglobin. Another reason it is a silent killer is because it accumulates (bioaccumulation) in the body gradually stealthily.
The fatality of lead is that it gets stored in the bones (as Calcium is stored) and becomes part of the body. From there, it gets released directly into the body. Pregnant and nursing women are the most hit because the Calcium which their bodies require for the growth of the fetus and for breast milk production may be mixed with Lead.
The detrimental effects of lead are enormous and felt among infants / children, pregnant women and adults.
Among the children, these (but not limited to the following) are pronounced:
Ø  Anemia
Ø  Slowed / stunted growth
Ø  Poor body development
Ø  Poor in learning
Ø  Nervous disorders
Ø  Death
Among Pregnant Women, these (but not limited to the following) are pronounced:
Ø  Stillbirth
Ø  Underdevelopment of the fetus

Among adults (men and women), these (but not limited to the following) are pronounced:
Ø  Kidney problems
Ø  Increased blood pressure
Ø  May result to death

Sources of Lead in Groundwater:
·         From mines
·         Buried Lead wastes
·         Intrusions from Lead-zinc ores

Sources of Lead in Public Drinking Water:
o   Lead service pipes
The pH and temperature of your water play a key role as it determines to a great extent how it reacts with the reticulation system.
You can bath with water containing lead because it is not absorsed by the skin. Be that as as it may, care should be taken when bathing children with this water because they are known to be swallowing bath water in the process of bathing.
What to do?
o   Get your groundwater tested for Lead before you start drinking it after drilling
o   Get a good water treatment plant.


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